Friday 28 March 2008

Council force staff to share desks yet pay £100,000 salaries

In yesterday's Preston Reporter, their main story was about how Lancashire County Council is so short of money that they keep selling off council buildings and have in some cases made workers share a desk.

Today, the LEP website reports six council executives earn more than £100,000 a year, with the chief executive earning £188,677 in 2006/7.

A few weeks ago the LEP also reported that 640 council employees get free parking, whereas the rest of the council workers have to pay £8 a day.

Council tax keeps rising. I had a quick look at the amounts in Preston, and for most areas in band A you have to pay £1009.89 a year in 2008/9. In 2007/8 it was £974.78. This is a massive increase, especially for lower income homes. And the council use this money to give free parking permits and to pay executives over £100,000 a year salaries? This is ridiculous.

As anyone who reads the news will know, there are high amounts of crime in the Preston area. Every day it seems you hear about a gang attacking someone. One of the most high profile recently was the death of Sophie Lancaster in Bacup last August.

Surely the council should be spending the money they get from their residents on making the area they live safer instead of overpaying fat cat executives?

Lancashire Evening Post: Cash-stapped council makes workers share a desk
Lancashire Evening Post: Revealed: How much council fat cats get paid
Lancashire Evening Post: Row over council workers' free parking
Preston Council: Council tax bands 2007 - 2008
Preston Council: Council tax bands 2008 - 2009
BBC News: Boy convicted of goth park murder

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