Wednesday 12 March 2008

Stock up on booze on Saturday...

....because its budget time.

To try and combat the problems caused by drinking in our society, the government has today announced that alcohol duty rates will go up by 6% above inflation. Which means, a pint of beer will cost an extra 4p, a bottle of wine will be 14p more and spirit prices will rise by a massive 55p a bottle.

Is this really going to make any difference?

The problem is not the cost of alcohol. The problem is how society views alcohol. Kids are caught drinking these days at younger and younger ages. Their excuse? They're bored. People see alcohol as a way of forgetting your life and problems.

Even if the costs go up, people will still drink. Its just going to upset people who like the odd drink or two a few times a week.

The government needs to do something to make life better for the people they're aiming to hurt with this budget. Better education, better social activities, even helping with a better home life.

Its these sorts of things which can fix our drink problems, not making us pay more for our alcohol.

Source: Q&A: What the budget means for you

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